miercuri, 13 iulie 2011

Me Rasta!

Me Rasta!
My soul is Rasta.
I have seen the light of Jah
I have heard the voice of Jah and tears of joy filled my eyes and face, mind and spirit, soul and being.
One love, me brethren.

But how can I roam the garden of Eden?
How can I roam with joy in my heart?
How can I roam when me brethren are enslaving one another?
They exploit one another for pieces of paper, silver and gold.

Heavy chains hang from your necks and wrists
While you toil for things you don’t need,
While you worship their gods and prophets,
While you give your life so they can have the power.

But it’s all good, Rasta!
This was all written by his all-guiding hand,
By his all-seeing eyes,
By his infinite power,
By his endless love for his children and all his creations,
Long before he created time for us to see.

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